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8 ways to start loving yourself the way you deserve to be loved

Loving yourself is not something that we stop doing. In my experience it is an ongoing practice and continues hopefully until our very last breath. True love or source energy is limitless and exists in all things and nothing. So to love yourself the way you deserve to be loved is to move fully into the unconditional experience of love. Love does not judge. Love does not exist in a duel state as we do. So to truly love yourself means to start or begin with taking care of the body. The body is the vehicle that allows us to access greater states of LOVE. In addition to taking care of our body the next step for most of us is to heal or integrate our personality structure so that it serves greater levels of consciousness giving us access to a deeper state of well being or unconditional love. If you break these down into 10 simple steps they look like this.


The three legs of a healthy body that give us a stool top to sit on in a balances and stable way are:

Diet: What we eat is a direct reflection of how well we are able to function. Keep your food in take fresh and organic. Use cooking oils that have a high heat capacity. Reduce processed carbohydrates and sugars. Most of all listen to the body’s energy levels right after eating. If you are sluggish right after eating it is a good sign the food you just ingested is not working for you.

Exercise: Physical movement is key for mental well being and energy levels remaining optimum throughout the day. Each body and age of life will require individual programs for optimum performance. That your physical workouts vary and are enjoyable is key.

Sleep: One key overlooked example for a healthy sleep cycle, among many is, Melatonin. Melatonin is a vital component in creating a natural circadian rhythm and synchronize our sleep-wake cycle with night and day. In doing so, it facilitates a transition to sleep and promotes consistent, quality rest. Leaving us refreshed and alert during the day. Melatonin created within the body is known as endogenous melatonin.


Emotions play a big role in coming to love ourselves fully.
The totality of all emotion can be encompassed in one word, JOY. If we resist feeling/expressing any emotion they end up being stifled and often stored in the body. This can lead to repression of emotions and eventually depression. To feel and express emotion is the best way to return to a authentic state of Joy.


Without pristine present loving awareness there is no peace.
Somatic body experiencing of our personality. To be able to calm the mind and develop a deep state of presence within ourselves it is essential to integrate all aspects of the self from early childhood to now. this is a constant process and gets easier with practice

Peace is a state that is accessed in a state of awareness. Mindfulness practices can help us to discover how we can live our lives in peace or present awareness. Through practice they can show us ways to experience a clear mind and an open heart.
Developing the WITNESS within ourselves. There is a part of us, an overseer, that can observe life in such a manner that we are able to see life’s unfolding with greater clarity. This true vision helps us to live more in the moment and to observe the true nature of our existence.


Whether you think of spirituality as a practice of believing in something greater than yourself such as a God, source energy, the universe, or simply quantum physics, you are in the process of seeking to understand the world in which you live so that you may find your place in it. Agnostics choose to see reality as something that is unexplainable. Atheists often refer to reality as existing without a creator or a higher power. Spirituality is an explanation of what is happening without dogma or religion. For many finding some way to relax and be more at ease requires surrendering to a higher power, scientific explanation of how things are working or simply to rest in the unknowing of it all.


These eight ways to start loving yourself the way you deserve to be loved are actually essential aspects of becoming a truly integrated individual. If you are seeking assistance or a guide on your journey to discover greater levels of self awareness and love, please feel free to reach out to me for 1/2 hour free inquiry call. Let’s explore together whether my services are a good fit for you at this juncture in your life.

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